Approaches and Methods
Gender approach
The gender approach reveals discrimination based on gender. Frieda uses it strategically to counteract inequalities in social processes and institutions.
The English term «gender» is often translated as «social gender». It signifies that a person's gender identity is not innate. On the contrary, the distinction between «woman» and «man» is socially constructed and has developed historically. Male and female characteristics, behaviours, and attributions are therefore constructed and fluid. They cannot be definitively assigned to either of the two genders and are associated not with biological but rather with social characteristics.
The gender approach makes discrimination visible
The gender approach analyses gender identities and, in particular, gender relations historically, socially, and culturally. This reveals the norms and hierarchies that establish and reinforce gender structures. Discrimination based on gender is made visible. Gender thus serves as a central category of analysis in feminist theory, politics, and movements. Frieda deliberately employs the gender approach in its actions to counter inequalities in social processes and institutions.
Preventing violence through a gender perspective
Frieda conducts programmes in (post-)conflict areas abroad. In these regions, socially entrenched gender roles between men and women have often been disrupted by armed conflict. When war-affected individuals return home, they frequently seek to reclaim their former roles in the family or are severely traumatised. As a result, there is often a significant increase in domestic and sexual violence, particularly after armed conflicts. Frieda’s programmes aim to prevent and reduce violence. While the conflicts themselves cannot be completely resolved, conflict transformation can lead to positive change. This requires a thorough context analysis that incorporates a gender perspective.
Human rights-based approach
Frieda highlights gaps in equal access to human rights and develops solutions to address these gaps. The goal of Frieda’s projects is to promote gender equality and advocate for and realise women’s rights.
Frieda’s work is guided by the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA), drawing on international human rights standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and several conventions, advocating for their full implementation. These standards include:
Accountability and rule of law
Equality and non-discrimination
Universality and indivisibility
Through HRBA, Frieda identifies gaps in equal access to human rights and devises solutions to overcome them and achieve greater equality. National laws, their gaps, and effective implementation are also taken into account.
Empowering rights holders, holding duty bearers accountable
The human rights-based approach distinguishes between:
people with legal entitlements (rights holders), and
those responsible for upholding these rights (duty bearers).
Frieda’s programmes target specific social groups whose human rights are not met or are restricted. Preponderantly it is women, who participate in these projects. They are empowered as rights holders to claim their rights. At the same time, Frieda demands accountability from the state and other duty bearers, thus supporting them in fully implementing human rights according to the above standards.
Participants in Frieda projects learn to recognise and use their own agency and resources. This empowerment process at the individual level lays the foundation for social change.
Empowerment is central to Frieda’s project and programme work, both as a method and as a goal. It involves a process of self-empowerment – the ability to overcome a sense of powerlessness and realise and utilise one’s own resources and opportunities. The core idea is that even those with limited power can influence and change their living conditions. By improving women’s and young people’s access to resources such as education, employment, income, justice, health, and social services, Frieda’s projects initiate empowerment processes.
Women as agents of social change
Frieda’s empowerment projects aim to shift the relationships between the sexes towards greater fairness and equality. For enduring change in power and violence structures, empowerment must occur not only at the individual level but also at the community and social level. Participants are therefore individually supported, acquire knowledge and skills, and develop a new sense of self-confidence. At the same time, they build networks, organise collectively, and advocate for their concerns to society and politics. They play an important role in driving social change as agents of social transformation.
Women and young people who participate in Frieda projects are involved in all project phases and actively shape the projects. The participatory approach ensures that their needs are incorporated into the projects.
Frieda implements projects with women and young people, not for them. Participants are involved in all phases of the project, beginning with defining the objectives. They are also involved in planning, implementation, and evaluation. Moreover, the division of roles between project management and participants is non-hierarchical. The participatory approach ensures that participants’ needs are addressed and that they can contribute their skills and further develop them.
Participation as a prerequisite for empowerment and social change
Frieda integrates participatory projects into its peace policy goals. Participants in such projects become actively involved and develop individually through empowerment. Participation and empowerment are thus inextricably linked. At the same time, participants transform their social environments. They organise in networks to represent their concerns to society and politics, creating significant potential for societal change towards greater equality and peace.
Psychosocial approach
People who have experienced violence are often traumatised. Frieda projects provide psychosocial support to help those affected process their experiences and regain control over their lives.
Generational impacts of violent conflict
Those who have experienced war or violent conflict are often traumatised. As long as the traumatic experiences remain unprocessed, the trauma continues to shape their lives and opportunities for development Trauma can even be passed on to future generations who did not directly experience the conflict. This creates a society where silence about past events prevails, mutual mistrust dominates. This society is riddled with apathy and aggression – a cycle of violence which is difficult to break through.
Applying the psychosocial approach in conflict and post-conflict areas
The psychosocial approach seeks to understand both the present and the past to open up a view to the future. This approach is used to rebuild and strengthen social cohesion in conflict and post-conflict areas. Psychological and social counselling creates a link between the physical and social realities of life. Human sensitivity, their inner being, their feelings and thoughts are placed in relation to the environment. In this way both the individual and societal dimensions of the consequences of violent conflict can be processed.
Overcoming trauma as a prerequisite for societal change
The goal is to restore the patients’ trust in others and to rebuild social relationships. Group work is helpful in facilitating discussions about shared experiences and their impact. In this way individuals realise they are not alone with their loss and grief. They break through the wall of silence and escape from isolation. By processing past experience those affected can regain agency over their lives, take social responsibility, and actively contribute to their communities. Herein lies huge potential for sparking long-term societal change toward peace and justice.
Frieda adheres strictly to the principle of «do no harm» and has implemented various policies to prevent harm.
Preventing sexual misconduct
Frieda tolerates no form of sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment. The organisation is required to do everything in its power to protect project participants and employees. The PSEAH (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment) policy applies to all staff, volunteers, board members, consultants, and contractors.
Frieda does not tolerate corruption in connection with its work and operates under a zero-tolerance policy. Suspicion of corruption in Frieda projects can be reported via the email address Frieda takes every suspicion seriously and evaluates, addresses, investigates, and disciplines each case promptly, professionally, transparently, and fairly.
Established grievance mechanisms allow and encourage all staff to report any suspicions or incidents. The team and board have been trained on PSEAH (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment) and anti-corruption, as well as the related policies.
Child protection
Frieda’s child protection policy is based on the following values:
In no circumstances are abuse and exploitation of children tolerable.
Children have the right to protection from abuse and exploitation (cf. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).
Adults have a duty to protect children from abuse and exploitation and to take measures to safeguard the child in suspected or confirmed cases.
Frieda implements these values by ensuring that its staff and the staff of partner organisations:
are aware of the issue of child abuse,
minimise risks to children,
take every suspicion seriously and take appropriate action,
support and protect affected children and individuals who raise concerns,
cooperate appropriately during investigations,
listen to and take seriously children’s views and wishes.