

Giorgia Bazzuri (she/her)

Communications manager of the «16 giorni di attivismo contro la violenza fondata sul genere»

Lisa Joanne Bisegger Programmverantwortliche Friedenspolitik bei Frieda.

Lisa Joanne Bissegger (she/her)

Programme Manager Feminist Peace Policy

Lea Breitner Programmverantwortliche Südosteuropa bei Frieda.

Lea Breitner (she/her)

Programm Manager South Eastern Europe

Regula Brunner Verantwortliche Kommunikation bei Frieda.

Regula Brunner (she/her)

Responsible Communication


Selina Iza Hauswirth (she/her)


Stephanie Hofer Programmverantwortliche Maghreb bei Frieda.

Stephanie Hofer (she/her)

Programme Manager Maghreb


Yaren Kırmızıtaş (she/her)

Programme Staff for Migration and Peace Policy

Theodora Leite Stampfli Programmverantwortliche Migrationspolitik bei Frieda.

Theodora Leite Stampfli (she/her)

Programme Manager Migration Policy

Lu Malach Sekretariatsmitarbeiter*in bei Frieda.

Lu Malach (he/none)



Luisa Pacozzi (she/her)

Staff for International Cooperation

Marina Peterhans Programmverantwortliche Nahost bei Frieda.

Marina Peterhans (she/her)

Co-Head ad interim, Programme Manager Middle East

Franziska Rüegger Verantwortliche Public Fundraising bei Frieda.

Franziska Rüegger (she/her)

Co-Head ad interim, Responsible for Public Fundraising

Anna-Béatrice Schmaltz Programmverantwortliche Prävention geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt bei Frieda.

Anna-Béatrice Schmaltz (she/her)

Co-Head ad interim, Programme Manager Prevention of Gender-based Violence


Eveline Thüler (she/her)

Responsible finances

tara toffol

Tara Toffol (she/her)

Trainee Campaigning

Joanne van Spyk Verantwortliche Projektpartnerschaften & Philanthropie bei Frieda.

Joanne van Spyk (she/her)

Responsible for Project Partnerships & Philanthropy

Dara Velkov Verantwortliche Online-Marketing bei Frieda.

Dara Velkov (she/her)

Responsible for Online Marketing

Isabel Vidal Pons

Isabel Vidal Pons (she/her)

Responsable des « 16 jours d'activisme contre la violence basée sur le genre » en Romandie et au Tessin

Local Coordinators


Dounia Benslimane (she/her)

Local Coordinator Morocco


Antigona Dajakaj (she/her)

Local Coordinator Kosovo


Azra Imamovic (she/her)

Local Coordinator Bosnia-Herzegovina


Inas Abu Salim (she/her)

Program Coordinator Gaza Strip, Palestine


Fidaa Shafi (she/her)

Programme Coordinator, West Bank, Palestine


The Frieda Board consists of the association’s President and 5-9 members, as well as a representative elected by the staff with voting rights. The Board works on a voluntary basis.

Der Vorstand von Frieda vor dem Büro von Frieda der feministischen Friedensorganisation.
Frieda Board members


Specialist commissions or advisory groups support Frieda’s work. Commission members contribute their expertise, advise staff on specialist issues, and support the strategic direction of the work. Their involvement is on a voluntary basis.

Job Vacancies

Currently, Frieda has no job vacancies.

no events

There are currently no events planned. Please check back later.