Who is Frieda?

Frieda – the Feminist Peace Organisation works for a world in which all people can live in dignity, peace, safety, and free from violence.

In particular, people affected by gender-based or intersectional discrimination have self-determined, equal access to resources, rights, participation, and opportunities for development and personal growth.

Das Frieda-Team: Frauen sitzen und stehen vor einem Haus.
The Frieda Team


The equality of and equal opportunities for women and young people in education, the labour market, society, and politics are our central concerns. We develop our projects together with project participants and partner organisations.

Through projects and programmes in Switzerland and abroad, Frieda contributes to

  • protecting against and preventing gender-based violence,

  • strengthening psychosocial and economic empowerment, and

  • promoting participation in shaping political, social, and economic frameworks.

Through awareness-raising and prevention, Frieda creates the conditions for a shift towards a non-violent and gender-just society. Frieda works both on an individual level and on a structural-societal level. Frieda argues the case for framework conditions that enable positive, comprehensive peace—a peace that not only signifies the absence of direct violence but also the absence of all forms of discrimination.

Menschen in einem Workshop halten sich am Seil fest und werden von einer Frau instruiert.
While searching for a job that matches their qualifications, migrants are closely accompanied and supported in the Frieda programme. Photo: Daniel Stampfli

Frieda is active in international cooperation in Morocco, Algeria, Palestine, Israel, Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Switzerland, Frieda implements participation projects with migrants and activists, coordinates the campaign «16 Days against Violence towards Women,» and takes a stand on peace and migration policy issues. Frieda's programmes contribute to Sustainable Development Goals 5 Gender Equality and 16 Peaceful Societies.

Frieda is a politically and religiously independent non-governmental organisation. The association is tax-exempt and Zewo-certified. Frieda receives a contribution from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is accredited by Swiss Solidarity.

from cfd to Frieda

Frieda originated in 1938 from Gertrud Kurz’s (1890–1972) commitment to Jewish refugees.

Many later simply called her «Mother Kurz,» as many refugees saw her as a «mother.» This evolved into the «Flüchtlingshilfe der Kreuzritter (Crusaders' Refugee Aid),» which was affiliated with the Swiss Central Office for Refugee Aid in 1941 and renamed the Christlicher Friedensdienst (cfd) in 1947. As a recognised aid and peace organisation, the cfd was active in refugee aid and supported projects in conflict areas.

Gertrud Kurz stizt an ihrem Schreibtisch.
Frieda entstand 1938 aus dem Engagement von Gertrud Kurz. AfZ: NL Gertrud Kurz/906

In 1972, the cfd Christlicher Friedensdienst association was founded, initiating organisational changes. Involvement with feminist approaches and networking within the women’s and peace movement led to the establishment of the Women's Office for Peace Work in Zurich in 1981, thereby structurally anchoring feminist reflection and policy within the organisation. In 1997 the General Assembly adopted the cfd's first feminist mission statement.

In 2022 a process for a new name appropriate for the organisation's self-conception began. The General Assembly approved the name change in May 2023. The new name, Frieda – the Feminist Peace Organisation, aims to promote the organisation's coherence while maintaining its content and focus.

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